Implant & Family Dentistry

Call (770) 973-4214

Dr. Bakke, how do I care for bleeding after oral surgery?

To limit bleeding after oral surgery, Dr. Bakke may place a gauze pack on the wisdom tooth extraction site. This should be left in place for 30 to 45 minutes after leaving the office. Bite down on the gauze, but don't "chew" on it. Bleeding might continue after the pack is removed. If it does, we recommend you follow these instructions:

  • Form a thick pad from clean gauze; dampen it and place the pad directly on the wisdom tooth extraction site.
  • Apply some pressure by firmly biting on it for about 30 minutes.
  • Replace the pad with a clean one if it becomes soaked with blood.
  • If heavy bleeding continues, call our office immediately.
  • Avoid sucking on the wisdom tooth extraction site.

For more information, contact Implant & Family Dentistry in Marietta at (855) 533-2042.

What about the blood clot that is forming where my wisdom tooth was removed?

After oral surgery, Dr. Bakke suggests you protect the surgical area. A blood clot should form in the wisdom tooth extraction site; this needs to be protected for proper healing. Healing is a delicate process and requires the restriction of certain activities; otherwise the blood clot can be dislodged.

Oral Surgery Care And Things You Must Avoid:

  • Sucking or blowing motions
  • Smoking
  • Drinking through a straw for 24 hours
  • Rinsing your mouth vigorously
  • Mouthwash (until Dr. Bakke approves its use)
  • Cleaning teeth next to the extracted site for the rest of the day
  • Strenuous exercise for 24 hours
  • Hot liquids or alcoholic beverages

For more information on care for clots and post-surgical care, contact Implant & Family Dentistry in Marietta at (855) 533-2042 today.

Dr. Bakke, how should I care for my mouth after wisdom tooth removal?

Your mouth should be gently rinsed (not vigorously) with warm salt water the day after oral surgery. Add ½ teaspoon salt to one-cup warm water. Be sure to rinse after eating to keep food particles out of the extraction site.

Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing your tongue is also advised to eliminate bad breath and the unpleasant taste that often accompanies oral surgery. Floss at least once a day, too.

Be sure to follow the post-operative instruction you're given at Implant & Family Dentistry and call our Marietta office immediately at (855) 533-2042 if:

  • Numbness doesn't subside within a few hours;
  • You experience nausea or vomiting; or
  • You have severe pain, swelling, bleeding, or fever in the wisdom tooth extraction area.

Dr. Bakke, how do I reduce swelling and pain following wisdom tooth removal?

We may give you a plastic ice pack to apply to your face on the way home. A cold compress helps reduce swelling. Apply either a cold compress or a cold, moist cloth periodically. Switch to moist heat (a warm wash cloth) 24 hours after oral surgery. Check with me regarding how often and how long to use a compress.

I may prescribe medication to prevent infection and control pain. Carefully follow the instructions. If you experience severe pain, swelling, bleeding, fever, nausea or vomiting, contact Implant & Family Dentistry at (855) 533-2042 for advice and assistance.

Read more about wisdom teeth:

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(770) 973-4214

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Implant & Family Dentistry

Dr. Christopher Bakke

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Implant & Family Dentistry
1735 Roswell Rd. Bldg #200
Marietta, GA 30062
General Info: (770) 973-4214
Implant & Family Dentistry Office Hours
  Morning Afternoon/Evening
Mon. 7am - 12pm 12pm - 2pm
Tue. 8am - 12pm 12pm - 6pm
Wed. 8:30am - 12pm 12pm - 6pm
Thu. 8:30am - 12pm 12pm - 6pm
Fri. 8:30am - 12pm Closed
Sat. Closed Closed
Sun. Closed Closed

 Call for an appointment:
(770) 973-4214

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